Beauty Tips

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Coconut oil can be a natural makeup remover.

Massage a small amount onto dry skin, including your eyes (being gentle!), then rinse with warm water and a soft washcloth. Opt for organic coconut oil for a budget-friendly, natural makeup removal routine.

Sent in by N.M. Australia

Fight oily skin with this 2-step mask.

Thoroughly mix 1 egg white with a few drops of lemon juice. Apply to face and leave for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with warm water. Tightens pores and removes dirt.

Sent in by N.M Australia

Set your eyeliner with a light dusting.

After applying your eyeliner, gently, but firmly, pat a translucent powder under your lower lash line with a cotton bud. This creates a barrier that helps absorb oil and keep your liner in place all day.

Sent in by N.M. Australia